Bachmann 51319 Consolidation Repair Overview TCS

Bachmann 51319 Consolidation Repair Overview TCS


I was just testing this here.

I'm using T4X TCS decoder,

has two functions,

works pretty well with this.

So we just were testing out
the motor function,

did a little programing on it.

We adapted it to splice wires

and adapted it to the same board

instead of using a

eight pin jumper.

But okay, I just wanted to test it out
and it's definitely working.

Let's go here.

Programed it to

Address 619, so lets hit the thorttle here a little bit...

Were in slow motion baby!

And then we got complete control again.

the decoder just got locked in at a speed

and kept going, but

now we're good here.

Yeah, very good.

So I'm going to do a little bit

more programing and put it back together
and go to the next step.

All right.

So we got this thing,

put it back together,

cleaned it up,


Okay, it's not sound.

So you're not going to get no action

Let's see.

Its on

address 619 Thats what I got on it.


Headlight, Beautiful !!!

and forward

creeping Along ...


So stop it.


Nice and Slow!

And then also got it back
to where the headlight is off

in reverse.

Nice, smooth operation.


Thank you. TCS

I used a TCS

a Yeah.

So if I can find it... standby...


2 function,
you can have a couple of function lights.

I have another one with a beacon light
and whatnot or beacon

light and a cab light installed.

But this one, we're just going to use the
the front headlight and that's it.

Run’s pretty good, right?

I’d say so.

All right.

See y’all later!!!